
Fallout shelter update game
Fallout shelter update game

fallout shelter update game

I may write a post about this in the future as, at this point, I have no idea how many different game services we are going to get in the next five years? Needless to say the game runs well on PC and I had zero issues with the install process. It seems that every company now needs their own digital game service to compete with Steam. The only downside to running Fallout Shelter on PC is that it requires the launcher. Fallout Shelter is a great game to run in the background on your PC and it's default Windowed mode helps this along. The ability to resize the Window to be placed anywhere on the screen is great for the times where you want the game open but you want to surf the web or play something else. The tap controls translate well to mouse clicks and I only found a couple cases where I would have preferred a keyboard press. If you have a 1080p or 4K display Fallout Shelter will look good as it seems the graphics were made with the ability to scale them. That said Fallout Shelter on PC is great and the visuals look incredible on the big screen. The game was designed for mobile and as with some games not designed with the PC in mind, they don't always play well. To be honest I expected the PC port to be a bad. I've been playing the new version for the last few days and if you've been away from Fallout Shelter since its launch last year, you need to come back to the vault! Since it's launch it's received some updates but it's most recent 1.6 update may be the biggest to date. It was a bit of shock to see Bethesda launch it's first mobile game but they nailed it as it was one of the most popular mobile games of that year. Fallout Shelter launched hours after Bethesda's Todd Howard took the stage at E3 2015.

Fallout shelter update game